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Though martial arts have traditionally been created mainly as a method of combat, it is understood that practitioners in today’s society choose the martial arts journey for many reasons. Martial arts training will give the practitioner a stronger body, better kinesthetic awareness, and cognitive discipline. Martial arts to many people have become an alternative method of stress relief while gaining the exercise needed to maintain a healthy body. Though our main focus will always be gaining combat proficiency though practicing Chinese martial arts, we understand that differences exist between individuals. Different levels of expectations are placed upon each student according to their physical capabilities and personal goals. However, all students will be pushed to become better than they were the day before. The only true opponent that the martial artist will ever face is himself or herself. The instructors of the Ng Family academy will be there to accompany the student in their personal journey of accomplishing his or her martial arts goals. |
CHOY LAY FUT Choy Lay Fut is one of the two main systems of martial arts taught at the Ng Family Chinese Martial Arts Association. The study of Choy Lay Fut will initially consist of learning the basic stances and postures that the system uses as a base to deliver its powerful and swift techniques. The student’s body will be conditioned (gradually) to become stronger and more flexible, thus less prone to injury. When the body is ready and the basic positions and stances are understood, basic forms (or pre-arranged sequences) will be taught. Forms will help better familiarize the student with the basic movements and stances found within the Choy Lay Fut system. Forms serve both the purpose of attaining kinesthetic beauty and martial practice. As the training progresses, the sequences within the forms will be broken down and the student will engage in practicing the applications with partners in the form of reaction drills and focus mitt work. The study of Choy Lay Fut will give the student true confidence through visible progress gained from hard work and perseverance. In addition, the study of Choy Lay Fut exercises the body and conditions the mind, giving the student a genuine understand of movement and a greater sense of kinesthetic awareness. |
VING TSUN Ving Tsun is one of the two main systems of martial arts taught at the Ng Family Chinese Martial Arts Association. The study of Ving Tsun will first take the practitioner through a series of exercises to strengthen and accustom the body for the structure of Ving Tsun Kung Fu. After the basic concepts and body positions are explained, the first of three empty hand forms are taught. This first form (dubbed “Siu Lim Tao” or “Young Idea”) contains all of the movements used within the Ving Tsun system. Concepts and application are taught and practiced within partner-orientated reactions drills. Of the reaction drills the most important is the process of “Chi-Sao,” or “Sticky-Hands”. Chi-Sao starts as a series of pre-arranged partner exercises that will gradually evolve into a free-form sparring exercise enabling the practitioner with incredible sensitivity. Ving Tsun teaches the practitioner movements and combat concepts of simplicity, efficiency, and directness. Training in Ving Tsun challenges the practitioner to think and act in simple, efficient, and direct ways. No extra efforts are placed on performing useless actions, as full attention and focus must be given to completing the task at hand. The principles of Ving Tsun apply to both combat and life. |
SELF-DEFENSE The term “self-defense” sometimes conjures the idea of performing sequences upon sequences of movements that leaves the attacker maimed while the victim remains unharmed. This is untrue and this line of misinterpretation could lead to the serious injury or even death of the misinformed. In all violent encounters both parties will be injured (to some degree). True self-protection exists upon different levels. The first level is avoidance. The criminal cannot hurt you if you are not there to be hurt. Be aware of potentially dangerous situations and avoid them. However, there might be times when a violent encounter is unavoidable. There might be times when you must protect the lives of loved ones or your own. In these cases, the martial arts must become a tool for protection and survival. Survival in a violent encounter means quickly incapacitating the criminal through simple, yet damaging actions. The self-defense courses offered at the Ng Family Chinese Martial Arts Association consists mainly of three parts.
WEAPONS TRAINING The study of martial arts also entails the study of weapon usage. Though the constituencies for weapons combat differ from that of empty hands, many of the postures and means of generating power with a weapon remains the same. Thus, it is imperative that the practitioner masters his or her own kinesthetic awareness before practicing weapons. There are many different types of weapons, but they fall mostly into two categories, bladed or blunt. These two categories are further broken down into long, medium, short, hard, and soft. All practitioners will at first learn (in order) the staff, single broadsword, and the spear. All the basic theories governing the constituencies of weapons combat can be found within the practice of these three weapons. In mastering a weapon, the weapon must become an extension of the practitioner’s body. To attain this proficiency, the practitioner must start with practicing the basic postures and movements associated with the weapon. Weapon forms are practices, as with hand forms, to familiarize the student with the basic postures and movements. Then the forms are broken down, and two man reaction drills are practiced to help the practitioner understand the usage of the weapon in real time. As with empty hands, free sparring is also practiced with the weapons to enhance the practitioner’s skill and understanding. |
SAN SHOU AND FULL-CONTACT FIGHTING SPORTS Many of our practitioners also chose to enter into combat-based sport events. These events are quite demanding but are definitely fun and rewarding. One of the popular fighting-sports that we train our fighters for is San Shou. “San Shou” (or “San Da”) is a term used to describe the sport of Chinese full-contact kickboxing. Originally, these events took placed as no-hold-barred bare-knuckle fights between two combatants. However, as time progressed, these events evolved into a sport more suitable for different types of people to participate. As of today, San Shou events takes place within either a standard boxing ring or on top of a traditional “lei tai” (an open raised platform). Standard kickboxing rules apply (no knees or elbow strikes, but leg kicks are allowed). In addition, fighters are encouraged to throw his or her opponent for points or knockout. Training for San Shou is optional but it is a great workout that offers the practitioner an opportunity to test his or her skills in a combat-related event. Training involves running, weight-training, heavy bag work, mitt work, reaction drills, and hard sparring. The fighter must be well conditioned physically, as both cardiovascular and muscular endurance are very important to the success of the San Shou fighter. |
CHILDREN'S PROGRAM The primary goal of the Children’s Program is to instill within the child a greater sense of self-confidence, a strong work ethic, physical fitness, kinesthetic awareness, and cognitive intelligence. The primary goal in teaching learners of this age is to build within them a body and mind that is accustomed to hard work and integrity. Through training to become an adult martial artist, children are challenged to solve problems and create new learning strategies that can be used in and outside the martial arts academy. Children are challenged to grow and evolve not only as martial artists, but also as thinking human beings. Training takes place in a safe and monitored environment that promotes respect for others as well as oneself. Martial arts are a fun and exciting way for children to stay physically and mentally fit, make friends, and to learn about the Chinese culture.
© 2000 Philip Ng and Sam Ng. All rights reserved. |
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