11. Sifu Phil Ng with Aaron (who did a wonderful job acting
as our runner and time keeper). |
16. Members of the Ng Family Academy displaying their various
"skills". |
12. Sifu Sam Ng performing the Choy Lay Fut double dagger
set during the masters demonstration. |
17. Wow, people do look more athletic in pseudo modern wushu
postures... : ) |
13. Sifu Sam Ng performing the Choy Lay Fut double dagger
set during the masters demonstration. |
18. Sifu Phil officiates a chi-sao match between Andrew and
his opponent. |
14. Left to Right - Sifu Yijiao Hong, Sifu Sam Ng, Sifu Anthony
Goh, and Sifu Xiaoling Lu. |
19. The chi-sao competitors and the competition judges pose
for a picture. |
15. Left to Right - Sifu Sam Ng, Sifu Alvin Cardona,
Sifu Phil Ng. |
20. Andrew lands a leg kick during the sparring
competition. |