41. Sifu Phil Ng and Instructor Ken Lee demonstrate chisao
during the masters demo. |
46. Sifu Sam Ng about to feed Phil a sau chue. |
42. Sifu Phil performs the Six-And-A-Half point pole form. |
47. Sifu Sam Ng greeting the audience during the opening ceremonies. |
43. Sifu Phil receives a certificate from Sifu Lily Lau. |
48. Sifu Sam Ng explaining the rules to competitors. |
44. Sifu Sam Ng locks up Sifu Phil during the masters demo. |
49. Another group picture. (Sifu Phil attempts a Edison Chen
impersonation) |
45. Sifu Sam Ng demonstrates the Choy Lay Fut double
daggers. |
50. Sifu Sam Ng receives a thank you certificate
from Sifu Lily Lau and Sifu Alvin Cardona (the tournament organizer). |