21. More Choy Lay Fut techniques from our younger members. |
26. Sifu Sam Ng demonstrating a Choy Lay Fut handset. |
22. Sifu Phil admiring Instructor Mike Lee's gut. |
27. Instructors Henry, Mike, and Keith give a demonstration
of the Ving Tsun six-and-a-half-point pole. |
23. Sifu Phil Ng and Sifu Sam Ng strike a pose for a photo
during the celebration dinner. |
28. Steve Wang performs a Choy Lay Fut Small Plum Blossom
handset. |
24. Sifu Phil soars above Samson during their martial arts
skit. |
29. Sensei Greg and Sifu Phil engage in an escrima drill. |
25. Sifu Phil trying to look cool. |
30. Ving Tsun students perform the handsets of
the system. |