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Newspaper Clippings Gallery 1

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Chicago Chinese News 06-11-99

1) An article announcing an upcoming stage production of a Chinese legend, "Water Margin". Sifu Phil plays the role of the main protagonist who saves a village from a man-eating tiger and the town bullies.

Chinese American News 09-24-99

5) Photos taken from the stage production of "Deer Mountain Chronicles".

China Star 06-11-99

2) An article announcing an upcoming stage production of a Chinese legend, "Water Margin". Sifu Phil plays the role of the main protagonist who saves a village from a man-eating tiger and the town bullies.

China Star 09-24-99

6) A photo taken from the stage production of "Deer Mountain Chronicles". Samantha Ng and Keith Voney

Chinese American News 06-11-99

3) An article announcing an upcoming stage production of a Chinese legend, "Water Margin". Sifu Phil plays the role of the main protagonist who saves a village from a man-eating tiger and the town bullies. Other members of the Ng Family Chinese Martial Arts Association will be giving a martial arts demonstration during the event.

Chinese American News 09-29-00

7) Picture taken at the 2000 Autumn Moon Festival celebration. Sifu Phil concentrating before shattering five stacked bricks during a martial arts demo.

Chicago Chinese News 09-24-99

4) An article reporting the success of the Autumn Moon Festival. The Ng Family group put a stage production of the "Deer Mountain Chronicles" Where Sifu Phil once agian plays the main protagonist.

Chinese American News 09-29-00

8) The Ng Family group was invited to perform at a Chicago martial arts tournament.

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